Navigation – For the Love of Maps

You may have noticed from some of my blog posts that, occasionally, I get a little confused with my navigation.  From taking a bearing with the direction of travel arrow pointing in the opposite direction and squinting to try and find paths I can see in the real world but not on the map, to just generally doubting my map reading and decisions – I decided it was time to do something about it and booked myself on not one, but two navigation courses.

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Rocky Doggy – Sir Woofalot

This is the longest time I haven’t posted on my blog, and I’m coming back with a long one.  Things have just been so busy recently, what with sorting out a wedding, updating the boy’s baby room into a big boy room and teaching a handful of yoga classes.  They have all been good fun if a little stressful at times and it has left me with very little time to write up some of the walks we’ve been on.  And whilst those things have made me a little busier, the biggest change to my routine has been down to our furry little woofer Rocky.

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